Named after the Catalan word for ONA, aims to cultivates a leisurely, Integrate nature, earth ambiance casual bistro. The interior design shows hues, textures, and patterns inspired by the sunset moment of mediterranean characteristic. Looking at the boats floating on the sea, and feel the golden sunset sky through a hazy vision. With the interplay of sea breeze , light and shadow, one is immersed in relaxation, swaying soul with the waves.
ONA - 海浪翻滾、拍打蕩起的紋理填充了整個室內空間,伴隨著海風與光影的交織,讓人彷彿沉浸於海洋的環抱之中,任由靈魂隨著海浪翻滾。吧台的波紋元素彷若是海浪拍打上岸迭起的層層浪花,向沙灘上層層疊起,築起一個休閒區域。肌理紋路的觸覺質感讓人好似置身於度假當下,從地板、牆面到天花,營造在海邊被沙灘、陽光、海浪包裹著空間的感覺,不形整線條的造型,材料的應用在充滿地中海地區特色的空間內相得益彰。大地色系加以金黃色的點綴,如耀眼的陽光灑在大地上,曲線元素與充滿視覺衝擊色調的結合喚起人們度假的情緒。以鮮活的感官體驗對空間展開描述、基於在地性與場地感,描寫特有的品牌故事,一個獨特、鮮活有生命力的空間,讓顧客深入感受空間,體驗品牌魅力。
Project Area丨250sqm
Project Location丨Hong Kong
Project Type丨Restaurant Design , Branding Design , Art Direction